konferencja prasowa

This will be a historical investment for Zywiec City!  Soon, thanks to a new footbridge on the  Soła River, it will be possible to walk or bike directly from Zablocie to the Sporysz district (near the Zywiec Amphitheater). 
This construction is one of several investments planned as a part of the "SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution" project, implemented as part of the "Local Development" Program, financed from the funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget.
On 14-th of February, the first of four scheduled conferences on the project was held. 
The conference was attended by a.o. representatives of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, representatives of the Association of Polish Cities, Municipality Officials and residents of the city of Zywiec. 
The conference Participants learned what activities have been implemented so far and which are going to be implemented in the future.
 Future activities include:  walking- bicycle tracks, murals, flower meadows, facilities for people with disabilities, programs and integration events for residents of Żywiec, and trainings for improvement of competences of city officials. An interesting feature is creation of a mobile official, who will reach out with assistance to all those who,  because of  various types of exclusions, cannot visit the Zywiec City Hall personally. 
On the same day, a workshop took place, about the role of residents in smart cities building, using  personal potential of participants recruited from the local community. The workshop was held by Dr.Bogna Kietlinska, a sociologist from Warsaw University.
The "SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution" project will last until the end of April next year. Detailed list of all activities and information about the program are available on Żywiec Municipality website www.smart.zywiec.pl. 
For more information on the EEA Financial Mechanism please look at www.eog.gov.pl. 
We already invite you for the next conferences. Precise dates will be given later

Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/811-we-are-building-smart-city